Plants For Good Luck

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While the species is considered invasive in some states, there are plenty of well-behaved, sterile cultivars available—some with a compact habit worthy of containers. According to folklore, a. Pachira money tree is a plant commonly used in Feng Shui and also believed to bring the grower good luck. Interestingly, money trees are often braided together, but in order for the 'luck' to work, you'll need to have three to five braided plants. Apart from being a popular culinary herb to grow in garden, basil plant is also known to bring the charm of wealth, good luck, love and beauty with it. Moreover basil is reckoned for its antibacterial, antidepressant and antiseptic properties as well helps in repelling flies too.

Working from home without coworkers or your own little space at the office can sometimes make you feel quite isolated and that's where good luck plants can help.

Feelings of isolation and even depression are natural, especially if you're still adjusting from a traditional office to your freedom-embracing, home-based office.

If you're feeling a bit down, stressed with deadlines, or just downright lonely, how about decorating your home office with some lucky plants to brighten up the office?

What is a Good Luck Plant?

A good luck plant is any kind of plant that is believed to bring good luck, happiness, love and prosperity to those around it.

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Good luck plants come in different forms, depending on which mythology you're following.

In feng shui, there are guidelines to follow when choosing and decorating with indoor plants (or else your luck won't be too good). For instance:

  • If you want ornamental plants, pick flowering plants with smooth-edged leaves, rounded leaves, or clustered leaves in a favorable number.
  • Go with plants that 'purify' the air.
  • Plants with thorns or spiky shapes are bad for feng shui became they 'break the positive flow' of wealth and success.
  • Keep indoor plants in pairs when decorating your home. This balances the yin and yang of your home office.
  • Be sure to 'bring in' only the number of plants you can commit to. Taking care of plants is just as hard as caring for pets. Make sure you keep it clean to promote the 'positive flow of chi' around you.
  • Never keep dead plants indoors – they will cause energy to stagnate.

8 Best Lucky Indoor Plants

For those who don't have time to plant outdoors, or have no view of the garden, you can bring lucky plants indoors too!

More and more people have embraced the chicness of urban indoor jungles, and there's no need of getting your hands too dirty – most of the lucky plants for home office can be bought by the pot, ready to bring you some positive vibes as they are.

1. Lucky bamboo

In Feng Shui, the bamboo plant is generally lucky, but how much luck it brings you would depend on your plant's number of stalks. Interestingly, each number has a specific meaning:

  • 3 stalks – happiness, wealth and longevity
  • 5 stalks – wealth
  • 6 stalks – good luck
  • 7 stalks – health
  • 8 stalks – growth
  • 10 stalks – completions

4 is unlucky in Feng Shui, so don't keep bamboo plants with 4 stalks.

The jackpot number is 21, wherein it is believed that you'll be blessed with immense wealth and enduring health.

2. Moth Orchid

In Asia, business centers are decorated with moth orchid for good luck, mainly because the flowers look like moths (which are actually the ones that symbolizes good luck).

You'd have to place your pot in a shady area with just a bit of sunlight.

3. Palms

Ideal as room dividers or just to remove formaldehyde from carpeting, the Chinese believed that adding this plant to a room can become a Feng Shui element you didn't know you needed.

4. Philodendron Plant

The leaves of the Philodendron plant mimics the movement of fire.

As such, people who follow Feng Shui believe that the plan could brighten up areas in your office with low energy.

5. Hawaiian Ti plant

Early Polynesians believe that the indoor Ti plant had mystical powers, bringing good fortune to everyone at home.

Like bamboo, it's believe that if the Ti plant has two stalks in one pot, you'll be blessed with double the luck and love.

6. Money tree

In Feng Shui, the money tree is believed to bring the grower good luck.

Like bamboo plants wherein the number of stalks dictate your amount of luck, money trees braided into 3 or 5 plants are said to bring more luck.

Never bring in a group of 4 money trees braided together to avoid bad luck.

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7. Peace Lily

Peace lilies are known as natural air purifiers perfect for indoors.

In Feng Shui, these lilies are considered a symbol of harmony and good luck.

8. Jade plant

Jade's rounded leaves are good luck in Feng Shui.

Many Chinese business owners receive Jade while launching a new store.

Placed near the entrance of a shop, Jade plants are believed to bring good fortune, prosperity and success.

If you consider your home office, your place of business, there's no reason why Jade plants wouldn't bring you the same fortune.

12 Best Outdoors Good Luck Plants

Does your home office have a view?

If you look out the window, what do you see?

For those who have their backyard within their view, it's about time you make your sightseeing bring in some luck.

After all, you're spending most of your day working at that spot. For outdoor plants known to attract positive vibes, check out this list:

Plants For Good Luck

1. Peony

It is believed to attract good fortune and prosperity, this flowering plant is named after Paeon (the Green physician of the gods) and used as medicine in the olden days.

2. Citrus and lime trees

Got space for trees? Not only are lime and citrus trees useful in the kitchen, they're also considered bringers of good health, wealth and longevity.

If you're bringing in a dwarf citrus indoors, the best time would be Chinese New Year for good fortune directed at your business.

3. Oak

Here's another tree, but this one can withstand generations, so if you're interested in passing down America's national tree to your kids some day, it's time to get planting.

In the Greek mythology, Zeus believed the oak trees are sacred.

So does Thor, the god of thunder, in Norse mythology.

4. Rubber plants

Rubber plants symbolizes wealth, good fortune and abundance.

Make sure to choose rubber plants with round leaves, since this is where the magic comes from.

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5. Lotus

Add lotus to your garden – it brings positive energy, luck and purity.

But make sure to trim wilted flowers or any dead parts regularly to maintain the good vibes.

6. Spider Plant

Not only do spider plants absorb electromagnetic radiation (which come from your PC and gadgets), they're also known to purify air.

7. Clover

In Ireland, the three- and four-leaf clover is known as a symbol of good luck (It's why St. Patrick's Day is celebrated with white clover everywhere).

8. Sage

It is believed that if you burn sage, it could shoo away evil spirits and bad energy.

So why buy every time you feel disrupted by bad juju?

You can have sage in your own backyard 24/7.

9. Morning glory

Need peace and happiness in your workplace?

The morning glory is worth the wait when it blooms early morning in the summer, brightening up your work day.

10. English Ivy

These aren't trees or flowery plants, but English Ivy are vines that soften 'poison arrows' and keep your place of work or sleep peaceful.

11. Jasmine

Jasmine is said to attract money and love when grown as part of your home's garden.

Do note that Jasmine has its unique fragrance that could bring your allergies out.

12. Rowan Tree

According to Welsh, Norse and Greek mythologies, the Rowan tree was used in warding off evil. It's the reason many churches are surrounded by this tree for protection.

The Bottom Line

There's no harm in surrounding your home office with lucky plants indoors and outdoors.

If you don't believe mythologies, you should at least believe in science.

According to numerous studies, going green in the office reduces depress, stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Not only does bringing plants into your home office make air to breathe cleaner, it also increases your productivity and creativity.

Plus, if noise has been a constant problem with your home office setup, you'd be please to know that plants absorb sounds, which help reduce noise levels significantly.

Decoration-wise, lucky plants for home are quick and easy ways to spice up your workspace.

Feng Shui Plants

9 Best Feng Shui Plants for your good fortune | Houseplant | NASA plants. According to Feng Shui, there are some plants that are going to bring happiness, prosperity, and luck in your life. Some feng shui plants help to increase peace and love. They deepen mutual relations, that's why people give it a place in their home. According to NASA plants, these indoor plants bring necessary improvements in air quality. These plants maintain energy balance and get rid of negative energy.

Today we will tell you what are the feng shui plants (NASA plants) in our article? And tell them why it is good to keep them at home. Play roulette now.

What is Feng Shui?

The word feng shui is associated with wind and water. This is an old Chinese tradition in which people used their homes to harmonize and balance the environment. According to Feng Shui, the environment was given an important place in areas with good energy. The study of Feng Shui is very detailed, for this, you should go to the website.

1. Pachira Money Tree Plant

It is a tropical evergreen estuarine species plant, which is native to the banks of the river from Mexico to the tropical rainforest of northern South America. In traditional Feng Shui, there are some Feng Shui Plants along with other things that are considered to be a positive energy wealth plant; Pachira is such a plant which is to increase the energy and wealth and display it in the money center. For this reason, it is also called a money tree, although it is also very famous in other areas as the indoor plants and bonsai.

Scientific name Pachira Aquatica

Common name Guiana chestnut, Chestnut, Malabar chestnut

Plant type Houseplant

Sun required Full Sun to part shade

2. Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo hard stalks can survive well in water or soil. People believe that in the place it grows it brings good fortune and good luck. It is also believed that happiness and prosperity increase as it grows and is an important part of Feng shui. Lucky bamboo plants come from China and Taiwan the most. These indoor plants are very popular for offices and homes.

Scientific name Dracaena braunii

Common name Lucky bamboo

Plant type Houseplant

Sun requires Indirect Sunlight

3. Pothos

Pothos plant has a multitude of common names including golden pothos, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, and hunter's robe it has heart-shaped leaves. It's a hardy plant that can survive in poor light and colder temps and is great for offices, vertical gardens, and homes. In temperate regions, it is a popular houseplant. It specializes in easy climbing or hanging, and can easily go up to 20 feet in length. Pothos is a popular feng shui plant and many traditional beliefs are attached to it. People believe that this plant brings happiness, prosperity, and fortune.

Scientific name Epipremnum aureum

Common name Money plant, pothos golden pothos, or devil's ivy.

plant type Houseplant

Sun requires Shade to partial shade. Hard disk mac e windows.

4. Snake Plant (Mother-in-Law's Tongue)

Snake plants or mother-in-law's tongue is a popular houseplant with the least care. The height of its leaves ranges from one to eight feet. It is also easy to apply for the novice gardener. Due to simple nature and less care, there is an attractive gift for inside the house and office. This plant can die only by excessive water and the roots are rotten. According to Feng Shui, it is a fortifying plant and according to NASA, it has been found effective for improving air quality. Mother-in-Law's Tongue plant is native to Africa.

Botanical Name Sansevieria trifasciata

Common name Snake plant, mother-in-law's tongue

Plant type Houseplant


1. Peony

It is believed to attract good fortune and prosperity, this flowering plant is named after Paeon (the Green physician of the gods) and used as medicine in the olden days.

2. Citrus and lime trees

Got space for trees? Not only are lime and citrus trees useful in the kitchen, they're also considered bringers of good health, wealth and longevity.

If you're bringing in a dwarf citrus indoors, the best time would be Chinese New Year for good fortune directed at your business.

3. Oak

Here's another tree, but this one can withstand generations, so if you're interested in passing down America's national tree to your kids some day, it's time to get planting.

In the Greek mythology, Zeus believed the oak trees are sacred.

So does Thor, the god of thunder, in Norse mythology.

4. Rubber plants

Rubber plants symbolizes wealth, good fortune and abundance.

Make sure to choose rubber plants with round leaves, since this is where the magic comes from.

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5. Lotus

Add lotus to your garden – it brings positive energy, luck and purity.

But make sure to trim wilted flowers or any dead parts regularly to maintain the good vibes.

6. Spider Plant

Not only do spider plants absorb electromagnetic radiation (which come from your PC and gadgets), they're also known to purify air.

7. Clover

In Ireland, the three- and four-leaf clover is known as a symbol of good luck (It's why St. Patrick's Day is celebrated with white clover everywhere).

8. Sage

It is believed that if you burn sage, it could shoo away evil spirits and bad energy.

So why buy every time you feel disrupted by bad juju?

You can have sage in your own backyard 24/7.

9. Morning glory

Need peace and happiness in your workplace?

The morning glory is worth the wait when it blooms early morning in the summer, brightening up your work day.

10. English Ivy

These aren't trees or flowery plants, but English Ivy are vines that soften 'poison arrows' and keep your place of work or sleep peaceful.

11. Jasmine

Jasmine is said to attract money and love when grown as part of your home's garden.

Do note that Jasmine has its unique fragrance that could bring your allergies out.

12. Rowan Tree

According to Welsh, Norse and Greek mythologies, the Rowan tree was used in warding off evil. It's the reason many churches are surrounded by this tree for protection.

The Bottom Line

There's no harm in surrounding your home office with lucky plants indoors and outdoors.

If you don't believe mythologies, you should at least believe in science.

According to numerous studies, going green in the office reduces depress, stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Not only does bringing plants into your home office make air to breathe cleaner, it also increases your productivity and creativity.

Plus, if noise has been a constant problem with your home office setup, you'd be please to know that plants absorb sounds, which help reduce noise levels significantly.

Decoration-wise, lucky plants for home are quick and easy ways to spice up your workspace.

Feng Shui Plants

9 Best Feng Shui Plants for your good fortune | Houseplant | NASA plants. According to Feng Shui, there are some plants that are going to bring happiness, prosperity, and luck in your life. Some feng shui plants help to increase peace and love. They deepen mutual relations, that's why people give it a place in their home. According to NASA plants, these indoor plants bring necessary improvements in air quality. These plants maintain energy balance and get rid of negative energy.

Today we will tell you what are the feng shui plants (NASA plants) in our article? And tell them why it is good to keep them at home. Play roulette now.

What is Feng Shui?

The word feng shui is associated with wind and water. This is an old Chinese tradition in which people used their homes to harmonize and balance the environment. According to Feng Shui, the environment was given an important place in areas with good energy. The study of Feng Shui is very detailed, for this, you should go to the website.

1. Pachira Money Tree Plant

It is a tropical evergreen estuarine species plant, which is native to the banks of the river from Mexico to the tropical rainforest of northern South America. In traditional Feng Shui, there are some Feng Shui Plants along with other things that are considered to be a positive energy wealth plant; Pachira is such a plant which is to increase the energy and wealth and display it in the money center. For this reason, it is also called a money tree, although it is also very famous in other areas as the indoor plants and bonsai.

Scientific name Pachira Aquatica

Common name Guiana chestnut, Chestnut, Malabar chestnut

Plant type Houseplant

Sun required Full Sun to part shade

2. Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo hard stalks can survive well in water or soil. People believe that in the place it grows it brings good fortune and good luck. It is also believed that happiness and prosperity increase as it grows and is an important part of Feng shui. Lucky bamboo plants come from China and Taiwan the most. These indoor plants are very popular for offices and homes.

Scientific name Dracaena braunii

Common name Lucky bamboo

Plant type Houseplant

Sun requires Indirect Sunlight

3. Pothos

Pothos plant has a multitude of common names including golden pothos, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, and hunter's robe it has heart-shaped leaves. It's a hardy plant that can survive in poor light and colder temps and is great for offices, vertical gardens, and homes. In temperate regions, it is a popular houseplant. It specializes in easy climbing or hanging, and can easily go up to 20 feet in length. Pothos is a popular feng shui plant and many traditional beliefs are attached to it. People believe that this plant brings happiness, prosperity, and fortune.

Scientific name Epipremnum aureum

Common name Money plant, pothos golden pothos, or devil's ivy.

plant type Houseplant

Sun requires Shade to partial shade. Hard disk mac e windows.

4. Snake Plant (Mother-in-Law's Tongue)

Snake plants or mother-in-law's tongue is a popular houseplant with the least care. The height of its leaves ranges from one to eight feet. It is also easy to apply for the novice gardener. Due to simple nature and less care, there is an attractive gift for inside the house and office. This plant can die only by excessive water and the roots are rotten. According to Feng Shui, it is a fortifying plant and according to NASA, it has been found effective for improving air quality. Mother-in-Law's Tongue plant is native to Africa.

Botanical Name Sansevieria trifasciata

Common name Snake plant, mother-in-law's tongue

Plant type Houseplant

Sun required Full Sun / Part Sun / Shade

5. Peace lilies

Peace lilies are a genus of about 40 species of monocotyledonous flowering plants in the family Araceae. This is an ideal plant to have in your home. Peace Lily is a very common houseplant because they are easy to grow. If you love flowers, and you do not want to buy such a bouquet, whose flowers die in a few days. Peace Lilies produce white flowers in the early summer and continue to bloom throughout the year. According to Feng Shui, it is a plant that brings luck. NASA study shows in 1980 a domestic plant that purifies the air of the room. Peace lily harmful compounds from the room air filters and gives Purify air. This plant is easy to find you can include in your bedroom. Read more.

Scientific name Spathiphyllum

Common name Peace lily

plant type Houseplant

Sun requires Indirect light

6. Spider plant

According to research chemical formaldehyde is the cause of cancer. This chemical is found in many household products. When you breathe, you require oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and release oxygen. These indoor plants in your bedroom increase in the amount of oxygen, making it promote better sleep.

Scientific name Chlorophytum comosum

Common name Spider plant

plant type Indoor plants

Bamboo Plants For Good Luck

Sun requires bright light do not appreciate direct sunlight

Indoor Plants For Good Luck

7. Jade plants

Mirror for chromecast 2 3 download free. Jade plant (Crassula ovata) is very beautiful houseplants, its many popular varieties come in. It is easy to apply and care for these medicines. For this reason, this newbie and expert gardeners both has become a popular houseplant. Like money plants, jade plants are kept at home from the point of view of health and prosperity. Keep it in office for success and best luck. NASA plants

Scientific Name Crassula ovata, Crassula argentea

Common Name Jade plant, friendship tree, lucky plant, money tree

Plant Type Houseplant

Sun Full Sun/ Part Sun

8. Rubber plants

Descargar unrar mac. Rubber plants are native to Malaysia and India and grow naturally in rainforests and tropical regions. The rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is known as rubber fig, rubber bush, rubber plant, or Indian rubber bush. These are the best plants to grow indoors, their leaves are deep shiny, thick, and oval. The rubber plant is the most beautiful feng shui plants and abundance is associated with health and prosperity. NASA plants

Scientific name Ficus elastica

Common name Rubber plants, Rubber tree,

Plant type Houseplant Sun requires Full Sun/ indirect sunlight

9. Orchids

Orchids are primarily herbaceous (nonwoody), although some species could also be vines, vinelike, or somewhat shrubby. The wide selection of growth habits varies from those during which the plant is reduced to no quite roots (Dendrophylax) to saprophytic plants lacking chlorophyll (Corallorhiza), to large plants (Arundina) that superficially resemble a bamboo. According to Feng Shui, orchids help to increase peace and love. It is believed that they deepen the relationship, due to these people's feng shui plants placed in their house. read also. NASA plants

Scientific name Orchidaceae

Plants For Good Luck At Home

Common name Orchids

Plant type Houseplant

Sun requires sunshine but avoid more sun

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Best flowers for bees and butterflies. How to grow Ridge gourd. How to grow cosmos flower plants. Growing and care of Feverfew. Cornflowers growing and caring tips. Geranium growing guide. Growing Basil at home. Pencil cactus growing as indoor plants.

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